Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Yasmin McQuerry - Yahoo

This lady (on the left of the picture) has a search engine named after her. Yasmin McQuerry - maiden name: Gaddo - went down in CPCB history as Yahoo. Back in the late 80s, way before anyone around here knew what a search engine was. Did they already exist?
Yahoo was the soul of the entire operation for two years. She was the voice you heard over the PA system, on the phone and in the bar ... Very frequently you heard this voice say: "It's so nnniiiiiiiiiccceee!"

She came here as an AFF student - "not an easy one," Mitch said - graduated, but only after a few repeats of levels 1 through 7, and kept on jumping at the CPCB until her money ran out. That was when she asked us for a job. Just kidding, Yahoo!

She actually became as proficient a skydiver as all of us had expected. Whoever said she didn't have any talent, they were proven dead wrong by Yahoo's steady progress. She actually left quite an impression on the DZ - at least on some of her landings. Just kidding again!

And she was the best receptionist/manifestor/executive secretary/dog nurse this parachute center ever had. Because YAHOO was NICE to everyone! Even to an injured (hit by a truck) doberman - I forgot its name - she picked up and brought back to health: with tender loving care and a vet bill in the hundreds of thousands. Fortunately enough, she/we paid in pesetas back then.

She left us to go to the States: Eloy, Arizona. Upward mobility it's called! Skydive Arizona was the #1 DZ in the world at the time - much bigger than the CPCB (but Skydive Empuriabrava tells me that the gap has narrowed since - that it's virtually a toss-up as to who's #1 now). And Yahoo still lives - and skis - in the States. We got a hold of her recently. That's what she wrote back:
It is so nice to hear from you! 'Jurassic Park' sounds good. Makes me feel old though ... Time flies when you are having fun, I guess. Anyway, tell me more about the reunion.
Yasmin, AKA YAHOO ... I am famous!
I wish I could have heard her say it: "It's so niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiicccccccccccceee!" And maybe we will again be able take in her unbeatable acoustics on December 22. Jaume and I are already rehearsing the old war song for the occasion: "Gaddo ... Bobo ... Gaddo ... Bobo ..." In Yahoo's honor!
The picture shows the McQuerries, Yahoo with daughter and son, on a ski trip. You guys could ski around here too! And skydive! And it's much nicer than Aberdeen, Scotland. Wouldn't it be NICE? And we'll bring "FreeBag" down as well! Just kidding, Yahoo!

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