Monday, November 19, 2007

Jaume Comas Espigulé

After we had met Amparo, she introduced us to Jaume Comas ... who became the second Catalan to join our team!
Jaume always showed up a little later. A habit he has managed to preserve through today.

Did I find a single JPG of him anywhere on the Web? No, I guess he still prefers anonymity ... But Jaume does get ample mention in the online BOE, official government publications and mercantile registers, as an administrator of the limited companies JIP Aviació and CENTRO de PARACAIDISMO COSTA BRAVA. And I just discovered: he has merged the two in 2003! Click here!

Prior to turning administrator and manager - he got his MBA a few years back - Jaume was the PILOT SUPREME who, on a good day, got more take-offs and landings in than most airline pilots do in a year. He started off flying a Cessna 207, then a Cessna 185, then a PC 6 (Jaume learned that from one of the best: Swiss aviator Noldi Widmer, who had flown these A/C in the Libyan desert), then the DHC 6, then ... At heart, I am sure, he's still a pilot first, even if he's currently spending much more time on an office chair than in the left seat.

Jaume has pledged to come and play with us during JURASSIC PARK 07.

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